Shipping & Delivery Time
No cancellations or changes can be made to orders. Before placing your order, please double-check your purchase and shipping address. Once an order has been placed, we are unable to modify or cancel.
Here you can read the current delivery conditions at If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please read our full terms and conditions or contact our customer service at
- We ship from our EU warehouse to Ireland, meaning you will not be charged any additional fees after payment. For shipping to other countries, you can select the respective country in the shop menu
- Standard shipping to Ireland takes place within 2-4 working days. The delivery time is not binding. Please allow 1-2 days to process your order.
- For orders below 55€ we charge 4.95€ shipping costs.
- Free shipping for orders over the value of 55€.
- Delivery method: UPS Express Saver
We will dispatch your order within one working day. Exceptions apply to special sales and special offers.
Even if we do our best to deliver the package in the stated delivery time, there may sometimes be discrepancies. If delivery is delayed, check your tracking number to see where the package is. It can happen that UPS did not leave a notification of pick-up at the parcel center. Otherwise, please contact us immediately - so that we can investigate why the delivery is delayed.
Ergobaby assumes no responsibility for damage caused by exceeding an announced delivery time. We will contact you by email if delivery from our warehouse is delayed due to unforeseen events.
If an item in your order is out of stock, we will notify you immediately by email. You can remove the item from your order or switch to another item. We reserve the right to final sale and pricing errors.
SMS Notification & Email Notification: Be careful when entering your cell phone number and email address at checkout. Correct information is required so that you can be notified when your package is available for collection at your delivery location.
Here you can track the packages that have been sent with UPS. Just put your tracking number into the field "Tracking". Click on the link.
In the event of visible damage: If you discover that the package and / or the goods are damaged during collection / delivery, you should contact the shipping service provider on the same day to report the damage. You can also fill out a claim report online. Please remember that you as a customer report the damage to UPS. We will then be notified of the problem by UPS and will either refund you or send you a new item.
If the damage is only discovered when you unpack it (hidden by the packaging), you must report the damage to us within seven working days of receipt so that we can process it. We always want to investigate the damage, so you should take one or more pictures of the damage and the outside of the box and packaging. You may not return, sell or repair the damaged goods without contacting us first. Contact us as soon as possible at Once you have done this, we will deal with your complaint as soon as possible. We will replace you in a suitable manner, with a new item of equal value or with your money back. We are responsible for returns when there are complaints.