Ergo Promise Guarantee

Metro+ Compact Stroller

Free Carry Bag w/ Metro+ & Metro+ Deluxe
Free Carry Bag when you use code FREEBAG with every purchase of a Metro+ or Metro+ Deluxe Stroller. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount code. While stocks last.
up to 22 kg up to 22 kg
0 - 4 yrs 0 - 4 yrs

A comfort-focused, compact stroller that goes from fitting airplane overhead bins to strolling along city streets. Travel with ease without skimping on what matters, comfort and quality.

  • Comfortable and ergonomic - The extra padded seat provides unparalleled comfort and support for baby. Flat recline for naps.
  • Height adjustable handlebars - The handlebars adjust to the height of the parent
  • One-handed folding, ultra compact and light (7.8 kg) - Fits everywhere from the trunk of small cars to lifts
  • Can be used from birth - Can be used from birth
  • Car Seat compatible - Car Seat can be installed on the pram with the adapters
  • Numerous accessories - Colorful Sunshades, Support Bar, Footmuff, etc.
  • What's included in the Box? Stroller with sunshade and weather shield.
  • ErgoPromise Lifetime Guarantee
  • Product Options

    As low as: €349.90
    Ergo Promise Guarantee

    At A Glance

    Compact Fold Compact Fold
    Comfortable Padding Comfortable Padding
    Extendable Handlebar Extendable Handlebar
    Near-flat Recline Near-flat Recline
    Newborn Nest Newborn Nest
    Lightweight Lightweight
    Car Seat Compatible Car Seat Compatible

    Product Features


    Awards / Certifications

    International Hip Dysplasia Institute "Healthy for the hip"