Family & Parenting
Family & Parenting
July 16, 2024
And another month has passed and your little love is now in their seventh month of life! We are getting closer to the end of the official baby period and with that, getting closer to your baby's first steps. There are still a few months and a few milestones ahead of you but time is racing.
At the moment, your little one is probably still lying around a lot, but is getting more and more active: they stretch and roll from side to side. Their goal this month: they want to get ahead. And they probably will by the end of this seventh month. Because in your baby’s “7-month-old baby milestones”, the milestone of "commando crawling" is coming up. Faster than you can look, in “baby development 7 months” your baby embarks on a voyage of discovery. In addition, their motor skills are becoming increasingly precise and changes are also noticeable in their social and mental development. Together with midwife and baby expert Katrin Ritter, we take a look at exactly what these changes are. As part of
Family & Parenting
March 21, 2024
I’m Madison Sponsler, wife to an incredible husband and mama to two beautiful girls. This is the story of my miracle baby, Liberty.
Liberty is my first born. My pregnancy with her was beautiful and complication free. I loved every second of my pregnancy and the ultrasounds and blood tests all confirmed that our little bundle of joy was perfectly healthy.
At forty weeks I started having contractions. My husband and I were beyond excited to meet our beautiful girl. My labour was seamless and my delivery was fast. Everything had gone exactly how I dreamed it would during the nine months it took to grow her.
But my dream came to an abrupt halt when they placed her in my arms for the first time. Immediately, I knew that she was not like any newborn I had laid eyes on before. After a few moments of taking in my new daughter, I knew she had Down Syndrome.
The midwife dried her off, did her newborn evaluation, and told me that I should see a paediatrician the following morning. Since there was
Family & Parenting
January 22, 2024
We have already announced our brand-new blog series "Milestones" and now it’s here! We’ll be sharing all the baby developmental milestones that your little one goes through up to their first birthday. Month by month. With the help of our lovely midwife and baby expert Katrin. Today in focus: "your 1 month old baby".
So, what happens in your baby's development during the first four weeks after birth? Firstly, we would like to emphasise that every baby is an individual and develops at their own pace. Some move quicker in terms of motor skills, and others make faster cognitive progress. The following developmental stages are therefore merely guidelines. If your child is not yet showing one or two skills, give them time. It will come. And if you are ever concerned, you should talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP about whatever is troubling you.
1 month baby milestones:
They lift their head while in the prone (tummy time) position
You know the drill: your baby's head needs a lot of support
Family & Parenting
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
July 18, 2023
Top tips for your first holidays with baby: What you need to know before you travel.
Going away is exciting but when you’ve got little ones to account for, getting ready for a trip can feel more like work than vacation. Travelling with baby can be intimidating, but it’s not impossible.
The joys of discovering new places, the comfort of a hotel (where you don’t have to clean or cook) and walks on the beach can put your mind at rest and recharge your batteries.
That said, whether you’re getting to your destination by plane, train or automobile, you’ll still want to prepare to ensure your journey goes as smoothly as possible.
Find out how our Ergobaby summer essentials can help you have a relaxing holiday.
What sort of accommodation to book on holiday with your baby?
The best way to travel with your baby will depend on time, location and budget, so take some time to work out what suits you and your family best.
Package holidays offer you the comfort of not having to worry about drinks and
Family & Parenting
July 14, 2023
Yaaay, your first family holiday with your baby! Travelling with a baby is a whole new experience, and it can be pretty daunting, but we are here to help! With the right preparation you can limit the turbulence of your first flight with baby. We have summarised the most commonly asked questions and answers to give you all the information you need for flying with a baby.
When can I fly with my baby for the first time?
It's probably sooner than you think. According to Baby Center, most airlines will insist that your baby is at least two weeks old but depending where you live and where you are flying to there are no standard regulations, so it's best to check with your airline before you book. Some airlines may ask you to provide a fit-to-fly letter from your doctor if your baby is less than two weeks old.
If you gave birth by caesarean section, you may need to wait until after your six-week postnatal check-up before you take to the skies. Even then, you should only fly when your GP
Family & Parenting
December 18, 2022
Let's not fool ourselves, with a newborn or toddler, New Year's Eve is different than it used to be. But that doesn't mean that celebrating the New Year can’t happen and that glittering parties with champagne, toasts at midnight or extensive fireworks displays with friends are a thing of the past. But, as parents, you will quickly realise that there are certain advantages to not having to leave the house (or go back home) on a dark New Year's with the little ones. As a family, there are plenty of ways to say goodbye to the old year and celebrate the start of the new one. New Year's Eve with children can be creative, delightful, fun and relaxed - that's why we'd like to inspire you a bit and have prepared a few tips for you.
Celebrating New Year's Eve with small children: The 8 top tips
1. Move your party to the afternoon
If you have to breast/chest feed at 4 a.m. or your toddler wakes you up at 5:30 a.m. to play, it's not a good idea to stay up and party until 2 a.m. If you celebrate in
Family & Parenting
October 06, 2022
Walks through the countryside, dog walks, play dates in the park or a visit to the zoo with the whole family. We spend a lot of time outdoors, and we want to keep doing the things we love throughout the year, through every season.
Ergobaby HQ have been hard at work in our product development department. We can share our two new babywearing must-haves for all outdoor parents. Our wind and rain covers and All-Weather baby carrier covers.
If you are wondering what a baby carrier cover is and the difference between wind and rain covers and winter covers, keep reading and we will share some helpful tips.
When you are baby wearing, your own body heat is the best way to regulate your baby's temperature. You provide cosy protection and appropriate cooling at the same time.
This is only one side of the coin... or rather baby carrier. Mother nature can be temperamental. Creating unexpected wind or rain showers which can be unfortunate when you are enjoying a lovely day out with the family.
Family & Parenting
August 31, 2022
Returning to normal, everyday life with school and hobbies after the summer holidays is not easy. The inner alarm clock has to be reset from the sleep-in mode back to getting up early. Especially as your normal family morning routine may have been relaxed during the summer holiday; which is totally okay and normal. After all, who wants to eat their breakfast at seven o'clock in the morning during the holidays if they don't have to?
If a new baby has enriched the family during the summer break, juggling the back to school morning routine could become even more challenging. Not only because your baby may have just fallen asleep after a night of drinking, you also have to do the school run with your toddler. The never ending to-do list is growing and you still want to give your attention to all your children’s needs.
Don’t panic, we are here to help by sharing our best tips on how to manage your morning routine:
Preparation is everything
What you can get done the night before? Don't put it