Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
December 11, 2023
It's no secret that babies need a lot of closeness and affection. Especially in the early months, when they have just arrived in the world. New parents know this all too well. So is your newborn baby crying when you lay them down? Whether it’s going to the toilet, a quick shower, preparing a bottle or porridge - as soon as you put the little one down in the playmat or baby bouncer, they get upset. But why is that? And what can you do? Our midwife and expert Katrin Ritter is here to help.
Baby cries when put down - why is that?
At Ergobaby, we always emphasise how important it is for your baby to be close to you. After all, newborns are used to the close confinement, warmth and sound of your heartbeat from the womb. Close physical contact is also extremely important so that the baby can build a secure bond with its caregivers. This is a basic need for your newborn baby. So it's no wonder that your baby cries when you want to put them down. Carrying them gives them security and the secure
Health & Wellness
November 20, 2023
Has your baby been unhappy for days, crying a lot and drooling and chewing on everything in their path? Then a tooth is probably on the way. A really challenging time for your little darling, but also for you. Because the helplessness you experience as a parent during this time is simply awful. After all, you want to take away your little one's pain or at least be there to sympathise with them. But how? “How to help a teething baby” is a universally searched-for phrase by parents – it might even be how you came to find this blog! And anyway: how do you even know that it's the teeth that are tormenting your baby? After all, it is often the case that a baby is teething but there is no tooth in sight. Together with our midwife and babywearing expert Katrin Ritter, we take a look behind the scenes of teething and explain what's going on in your baby's jaw. So here they are, the most pressing questions (and answers) about teething babies.
The baby teething process: what to expect
Tooth emergence,
Health & Wellness
Baby Gear
September 05, 2023
You don’t need to avoid exercise for nine months, unless you have specific medical advice telling you not to do any or to adjust certain movements.
If you exercised before you became pregnant, you can continue to exercise now. The aim should be to keep your current level of fitness rather than trying to reach peak fitness. If you were not regularly active before pregnancy, start off gently and avoid any exercises where you cannot talk without getting out of breath.
Exercise during pregnancy offers many physical and emotional benefits. Physical activity may also help manage some symptoms of pregnancy and make you feel better, knowing you’re doing something good for yourself and your baby.
Exercise during and after pregnancy: We answer the ten most asked questions.
1. Should I exercise during pregnancy?
The NHS guidelines states that the more active and fit you are during pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt to your changing shape and natural weight gain. It will also help
Health & Wellness
Baby Gear
August 24, 2023
Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles that you might not think about very often, but if they aren’t strong and flexible, they can sorely impact your quality of life. This area of the body fulfils many important functions, as it is directly connected to our abdominal, back and respiratory muscles. The pelvic floor enables us to walk upright, closes our pelvis downwards, supports our internal organs and ensures that the bladder and bowel sphincters function. It also contributes to pleasurable sex.
Today we talk about the role of the pelvic floor during pregnancy, during birth and afterwards. In this blog you will learn about the positive benefits that targeted pelvic floor training can have for you during pregnancy and afterwards.
What role does the pelvic floor play during pregnancy?
Your pelvic floor changes during pregnancy. On the one hand it needs stability to hold the uterus with the baby and on the other hand it needs a certain elasticity to give way to the increasing weight of the
Health & Wellness
July 28, 2023
Healthy baby skin - how to protect your child's sensitive skin.
Soft, elastic, and resistant: the skin is our largest organ and fulfils numerous vital functions. The skin of babies and toddlers is much more sensitive and permeable than adult skin and therefore needs special care. In the following blog, you will learn how baby and children's skin differs from adults and how you can take good care of it.
What is the difference between baby skin and adult skin?
Your baby's skin is much thinner than your own. In addition, the uppermost cell layer and the horny layer have a looser structure and are therefore less resistant to pathogens and pollutants. That is why baby's skin reacts more sensitively to environmental influences. From birth and in the early stages of life, the pH value of the baby's skin is neutral. The natural acid mantle, which is an additional protective function, forms after a few weeks and regenerates much more slowly in older children than in you. Since the top layer of baby's
Health & Wellness
May 15, 2019
Get this SAVED and get it mastered. A must learn for any new mum who wants to improve her core and pelvic floor.
3 x 30 seconds each side, but FIRST read through the below to find out why it’s so important!
A great deadbug variation with hoop ☝️
When you engage your TVA, you will feel a tensing of the broad, flat muscle deep down. If your stomach 'domes' or pushes outwards, if you’re holding your breath or anything is pushing away, then you’re working the outer abdominal muscles and TVA isn’t doing its thing.
The TVA is part of your core system of muscles, as are your pelvic floor muscles. When you draw TVA inwards, pelvic floor should also lift. Remember, to really work your pelvic floor muscles, it’s a deep lift up inside, not a little lateral squeeze at the front. Imagine drawing up the walls of your vagina and back passage as if you’re picking up a small grape and pulling it up inside you...a strange thought maybe, but it does work!!!
The ideal TVA contraction is exhale, draw belly
Health & Wellness
Mental Health
January 12, 2018
In this post, Dr Henrik Norholt writes about how to recognise the symptoms of postpartum depression and how babywearing has been found to alleviate them.
About Dr Henrik
Dr. Henrik Norholt is a member of The World Association of Infant Mental Health, The Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health and The Society of Emotion and Attachment Studies. He is an expert in the effects of baby carrying on child psychological and motor development having studied it for the past 15 years. He is a frequent lecturer and thesis supervisor at numerous universities, colleges, association meetings and international conferences.
Pregnancy is an intense period in any woman’s life, filled with surprisingly rich and varied emotions, as well as visions of your future life as a mother. Amidst the joyful prospects of soon being able to welcome your little one, some expectant mothers are concerned that they may develop a postpartum reaction or depression.
Postpartum depression is among the most disabling
Health & Wellness
January 08, 2018
We are super excited here at Ergobaby HQ to be able to share our incredible news about our NEW collaboration with CARiFiT!
Safe, fun, results-driven postnatal Babywearing workouts brought to you by Ergobaby and CARiFit!
Devised by an ante and postnatal fitness expert and approved by leading health, fitness and babywearing authorities, CARiFiT workouts are done whilst wearing the baby, offering new mothers the chance to get back into shape and bond with their baby. This mission is echoed in Ergobaby’s drive to help new parents achieve anything, big or small, #inmyergo. Their award-winning carriers are comfortable, convenient and safe to use for both baby and parent, in all stages of development - including during a workout! By maintaining the baby in close proximity, the bond between parent and child is reinforced, reducing separation anxiety, and helping to reduce symptoms of postnatal depression.
CARiFiT workouts are carefully structured to be safe yet results-driven, with constant consideration