When will my baby smile for the first time? When will they crawl for the first time? And when can I buy the first super cute baby booties because my little one is taking their first steps? Oh, the first year of life with a baby is so exciting! So many "firsts". It feels like every day, or at least every week, little one is suddenly able to do something new.
So that you always know what's coming next for you and your little one, we at Ergobaby want to be at your side. Firstly, with our informative and helpful Baby Steps newsletter, which keeps you up to date every few weeks on what developmental steps baby will be taking next. Simply subscribe to the Baby Steps newsletter, enter your baby's expected date of birth and you're ready to go.

Baby development milestones: New blog series on the 12 milestones
But that's not enough for us. We would also like to accompany you here on our blog during your first year of life together. Every month, our brand-new blog series "Milestones" will provide you with interesting facts about the respective month of your baby's life. From and with our midwife and baby expert Katrin Ritter, of course. What does your baby learn in the first month of life? What can they do in the second? And so on! Remember every baby is unique and develops at their own pace. Speak to your GP or Health Visitor if you’re worried that your baby isn’t developing as you think they should.
You will come across the following twelve developmental milestones throughout the year on our blog. These are all the major developmental steps that your baby goes through on the way to walking independently:
- 1st milestone (from the sixth week): The first smile
- 2nd milestone (6th-8th week): Begin to have some head control
- 3rd milestone (end of the 3rd month): Symmetrical elbow support
- 4th milestone (end of the 4th month): Single elbow support
- 5th milestone (end of the 5th month): Reaching out and over the middle
- 6th milestone (end of the 6th month): Symmetrical hand support
- 7th milestone (end of the 7th month): Commando crawl
- 8th milestone (end of the 8th month): Oblique sit (asymmetrical with supporting hand)
- 9th milestone (9th to 10th month): Crawling
- 10th milestone (end of the 10th month): Half-kneeling position
- 11th milestone (9th to 14th month): Free standing
- 12th milestone (13th-14th month): First steps

Baby developmental milestones - Ergobaby is by your side every step of the way
Are you excited? Good! That's how it should be. Just check our Ergobaby blog or Instagram regularly to make sure you don’t miss any of baby's twelve developmental milestones. Together with our Baby Steps newsletter, (link to sign up) you'll be well prepared for baby's first year of life. At least as far as their development during this period is concerned. And if you miss a developmental step here on the blog, just enter "Baby development milestones" in the blog search and you'll find it. And now, stay tuned! Baby's first milestone is coming this month!