"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." How quickly does time fly? Our Evolve 3-in-1 highchair is celebrating its first birthday this month! Our Ergobabies are just like your babies (sort of)! They've only just been born but in what feels like the blink of an eye they're already a year old, sitting at the table with you, and getting very messy.
However, this also means that your baby gear has to grow with your child at this rapid pace: first a high chair as soon as they can sit upright; followed in no time by your toddler's desire for independence to sit at the table by themselves. And not to mention them wanting to help and be involved with everything you’re doing, making a learning tower essential. But before you head out to get multiple gadgets for all these different developmental stages and needs, you can have it all in one. Because our Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair, offers all these functions and grows with your child! And it's ergonomic of course! In this blog, we take a detailed look at how it can create a special closeness in your family and intensify your bond with your littlest love/s.

First a baby high chair for the very little ones
Depending on their speed of development, your baby may be ready to sit upright all by themselves at around six months. They are probably very keen to stay in this new, much more practical position, and observe their surroundings. In our Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair, they can safely watch what you are preparing or eating at the table much better from this height. At the same time, you can interact more easily with them at eye level while you’re busy doing things. This way, they are right in the middle of things – exactly where they like to be.
Regardless of whether you are starting with purees or baby led weaning, or a mix of both, baby can sit at the table with you. And if very little remains on the plate or in the bowl, and just ends up on the high chair, table or floor? We’ve got you covered with the easy-to-clean Evolve High Chair. Every part is wipeable, and the removable tray can simply be taken off and put in the dishwasher.
We find little ones also like to be in their high chair even when they are not eating. They can watch you do whatever you need to be doing or you can sit in front of them at eye level and offer them toys, read a book, and make baby laugh again and again with funny faces.

The high chair becomes a toddler chair that grows with your child
The day will come when your little one is ready for some more independence. When they no longer want to be strapped into the seat or confined by a tray. From around three years old your toddler feels it's time for them to sit in their own chair at the table like the grown-ups and climb up and down whenever they want. So, off with the baby seat and on with the chair back. With the Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair, this can be done very easily at the touch of a button. What an experience for your little one. However, this doesn’t mean that things will be more civilised at the dining table from now on. In fact, the opposite may be the case! But as you know, all it takes is a damp cloth and everything is clean again.
If the dining room table is transformed into a craft table again in the afternoon, the height-adjustable toddler chair can also be used here. Your little one can sit comfortably, giving free rein to their artistic skills.

From high chair to interactive learning tower
Speaking of independence. The high chair becomes an absolute game changer when your child is around two years old. Now they want to lend a hand everywhere. So, you can convert the toddler chair into a learning tower in just a few simple steps and without any tools. Now you can prepare your favourite dish together in the kitchen. Sure, it might take longer, but it's also a lot of fun. And your little one will take so much away from these moments. They learn loads and if you bake cookies and an egg goes... splat... these are the moments that stick in your memory. For you and your little one.
The learning tower means that your child can reach the right height independently and can work with you at the worktop or kitchen table. Without you having to worry about it tipping over or falling. Your little love can learn how to wash or chop vegetables, dry, or wash the dishes, or give them a cloth and a spray bottle of water to keep things tidy and buy yourself 10 minutes of peace! They have fun and learn a lot in the process. After all, there's nothing little ones like better at this age than imitating things and doing everything themselves.
It's also not uncommon for little ones to come up with their own uses for it too - they think of using the learning tower to get to their favourite book or toy higher up on the shelf, for example. And that is exactly what it is designed for. It should support children in their everyday lives. Just like all our products [link] are designed to support you.
Here's to many more years together with the Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair
No matter what age, the Evolve 3-in-1 high chair grows with your child and is durable, allowing it to be with you wherever you go. From baby high chair to learning tower - it helps your child to do and discover things independently. This boosts self-confidence, encourages independence, and gives your baby's development a real boost. And the best thing is when the high chair is not needed, you can simply fold it flat with the press of its buttons and store it behind the door or in the storage cupboard. And it’s not just for kids - you can use it for adults (up to 100kg) too. Clever, hey?
We're super proud of our little all-rounder. Happy Birthday to our Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair, we can’t wait to celebrate its second, third, fourth birthday and beyond!