Breastfeeding / chestfeeding (or whatever term you feel best describes your journey) can be one of the most beautiful and best things in the world. It is so intimate, so unique, so beautiful. But it can also be a challenge. It’s rarely easy straight away, without any complications. And we’re not saying that to scare you, we want to help you be prepared so that if this is how you want to feed your baby then you don’t give up before you’re ready. Or before you’ve had proper support. We have a LOT of tips and information on our blog, from a wide range of health experts. Today we’re sharing the ten most important and most read blogs full of breastfeeding tips / chestfeeding tips to hopefully give you a head start!
10 useful breastfeeding tips
1. Can you breastfeed with a nipple piercing?
Our blog ‘Can you breastfeed with a nipple piercing?’ probably only applies to some of you. Namely those who want to breastfeed with nipple piercings. In principle, it’s not a problem at all. However, there are a few things you should bear in mind. Our breastfeeding expert knows what these are.
2. Breastfeeding/chestfeeding in our Omni baby carriers
For anyone who didn’t know it yet: babywearing and breastfeeding/chestfeeding are an unbeatable combination. There are even studies that show that intensive physical contact between mum and baby promotes successful breastfeeding/chest feeding and that the use of a baby carrier can even outweigh the negative effects of a complicated birth or initial separation!
3. Does your baby need extra water in summer?
With the warmer weather, the heat makes us sweat more and our need for fluids increases. Parents often ask themselves whether breast milk is really enough for their baby in the warmer months – or whether water should be offered from time to time in the heat. Here is the short answer: No. In our breastfeeding blog ‘Does your baby need extra water in summer?’, we tell you why this is the case and why too much water can even be dangerous for young babies.
4. Black Breastfeeding Week: 10 Years, A New Foundation
Black Breastfeeding Week is a week in which black breastfeeding mothers are celebrated, represented, and empowered. Black breastfeeding week makes space for and shows off black breastfeeding mothers who are reframing the narrative and telling their own stories about what it means to be a black mother. For Black Breastfeeding week 2022 we caught up with Chaneen Saliee, to talk about what Black Breastfeeding Week is and why it’s so important, and it’s still one of our most important breastfeeding blogs.

5. How to increase low breast/chest milk supply: The 10 best tips from our midwife
If you’ve just started out breast/chest feeding, you might want to know how much milk your baby is taking, understand the causes of low milk production, and learn effective methods to increase milk supply. This is a common concern for new parents. After all, your body doesn’t come with a full/empty gauge, so how do you know how much is coming out? In this blog, our midwife Katrin Ritter tells you if you need to increase your milk supply, and how.
6. Stress and breast/chestfeeding problems – what’s the connection?
Stress and problems with feeding baby are closely connected. How does your stress affect your feeding? And then the other way round, what influence does breast/chestfeeding have on your state of stress? As always, our midwife Katrin Ritter has the answers.
7. Breastfeeding Advice: Milk blisters on the nipple
Well, what's that? You suddenly notice a white blister or “bleb” on your nipple that hurts or stings when your baby latches/feeds. Or is the blister not white, but rather yellowish? You can find out what the difference is, what's behind it and what you can do about it in this blog.
8. How to: Breast/chestfeeding a newborn – Everything you need to know for the early days with baby
Breast/chestfeeding has so many benefits for mum and baby. But it’s hard to know what to expect. There’s a lot out there, from glossy social media images, to well-intentioned advice from family members and friends, to honest and unembellished testimonials from friends… All of this can influence your expectations of what can and should happen after birth. Our midwife and feeding expert Katrin knows that while breast/chestfeeding is the most natural thing in the world, you both have to learn it first. So that’s exactly what we’re sharing in this blog: a “how to” for breast/chestfeeding a newborn. The more you know in advance the more confident and relaxed you will (hopefully!) feel.

9. Chestfeeding / Breastfeeding tips: What to do when baby bites!
When your baby gets their first teeth, biting can happen! And on sensitive nipples that’s really not enjoyable. But don't worry, it’s not the end of your feeding journey! Or it doesn’t have to be… read more about what to do when baby bites below.
10. Tips to help avoid chest/breastfeeding problems: The first hour after birth is crucial
This blog is for anyone expecting a baby who really wants to breast/chestfeed. Because many potential issues in the early weeks can be avoided if you keep a few important things in mind. The first hour after birth is very often the foundation stone for a successful chest/breastfeeding start. Our midwife and babywearing expert Katrin Ritter explains what you and any health professionals around you should pay attention to, to help get your feeding journey off to the best possible start.
Many more breastfeeding tips on our Ergobaby blog
Supply issues, nipple piercings, milk blebs - our ten breastfeeding blog listed here cover both the most common and the most unusual breast/chestfeeding-related topics. There's guaranteed to be something for you. And if not, just type your breastfeeding problem into our blog search bar or visit our “Breastfeeding Expert Tips” page. You'll find lots more useful breastfeeding tips there.With a little practice and a bit of luck, breastfeeding can become the most beautiful and relaxed thing in the world for you too.