It’s official! A 100% recommendation rate, high ratings in key areas, and the ergonomic accolade from Aktion gesunder Rücken e.V. (AGR) campaign for healthier backs! The verdict is clear: our Ergobaby Alta hip carrier and Lift hip carrier are both loved by babywearing consultants, parents, their children and by us, of course. They are also the only baby hip carriers on the market designated “back friendly” by the experts at the AGR. But what else makes our hip seats so special and why are Lift and Alta recommended as baby hip seats by so many different experts?
The advantages of the Alta hip carrier and Lift hip carrier
If you have an active baby or toddler you will be familiar with being asked to pick them up then put them down then pick them up and so on and so on. The result: back pain, tired arms or other postural problems. If you keep lifting your little one up and sit them on your hip (without a designated hip seat), this takes its toll on your body: your spine is no longer in
There comes a time when your little love starts to feel heavy being carried on your front, even with the most ergonomic baby carrier around! And it can get tricky to see around them or bend down with them on your front. But you love exploring the world with them and you don’t want that to end. The good news is that it doesn’t have to. Because you can carry your baby on your back. And for quite a while yet. And we’ve got a whole bunch of reasons why we think you’ll both love an Ergobaby back carry, and exactly how to do it in a baby carrier like our Omni Deluxe. Because the end of babywearing is only in sight when the weight limit of your baby carrier is reached (20.4 kg for the Omni Deluxe) or when either of you no longer want to do it.
Requirements for carrying your baby on your back
To be able to carry your baby safely on your back, they should be able to:
- demonstrate strong head and neck control
- sit unassisted
- weigh 17.2 lbs/7.8 kg
All babies are different but most will reach these
Who is ready for some sun? We certainly are! So if you’re busy planning your first trip with baby or your next holiday with kids, then you’re probably thinking about what you need to take with you and what you need to buy before then? If that’s you then this blog article is exactly what you need! Because today we're giving you ten reasons why a travel stroller is an absolute must-have when you’re travelling with a baby and why the new Ergobaby Metro 3 is the very best choice.
The basis for a relaxed holiday with baby: the travel stroller
Do you want to be prepared for anything a holiday with kids can throw at you? Then a travel stroller is really worth its weight in gold. Of course, a baby carrier is a must have and, small as it is, there’s probably plenty of room for it in your luggage. It can be more of a debate though as to whether a travel stroller is worth bringing. But the new Ergobaby Metro 3 makes that an easy choice as it’s guaranteed to make your life easier. Here are 10 reasons
It’s nearly time! Soon you'll be holding your tiny miracle in your arms and you probably won’t want to put them down for a second. And since your little treasure will feel most comfortable close to you, babywearing from birth is an easy choice. But which is the best newborn baby carrier? Or is it not a carrier at all - should you start with a baby wrap?
It’s probably not easy to answer this question. That's why we want to share what you should look out for when looking for a baby carrier for you to use with your newborn, and give you an overview of your options. With our help, it will hopefully be easier for you to find the best baby carrier for you.
Which baby carriers are suitable for newborns?
At Ergobaby, we attach great importance to ensuring that you and your little one thrive together in this whole new world. Right from birth. This includes supporting both physical and emotional well-being. And because we know that a newborn baby has very special needs, we have special ergonomic
Hold on tight everyone! Because we're going full steam ahead with new products! Having just introduced you to our new and improved Omni baby carrier, the Omni Deluxe, we are now launching another new product: our Ergobaby Metro 3, the crème de la crème of compact travel strollers. The Metro 3 is lightweight, manoeuvrable and so ultra-compact that it fits into any car boot and most train and plane luggage racks. We are totally convinced that it’s the most comfortable and best travel stroller in the world and we’re sure we can convince you too in today's blog…
Metro 3 vs Metro+ - even better thanks to your feedback
The Metro 3 is the third generation of our popular compact stroller and it gets better every time. And it’s all thanks to you. (And our dedicated team of product designers who work their socks off to take your feedback and bring it to life, along with the coolest new innovations in stroller technology. Because you are the ones who use our products day in, day out and test them
Brrr, it is cold out there! Most days at the moment are cold, wet, stormy or even icy. And yet: you and your baby need fresh air: you need a walk to blow away the cobwebs, you need to take the dog out, or take older siblings to the playground… It's important that your baby - and of course you - stay warm and dry. A baby carrier is an ideal way to do this, as you can easily monitor your little one’s temperature and keep them protected from all weather conditions. However, there are a few things to bear in mind when wearing a baby carrier in winter to ensure that your baby gets enough air and doesn't overheat. For more information on how to dress your baby correctly in a baby carrier, see our top 5 tips for babywearing in winter.
But what if it's really hammering it down outside or you simply want some proper weather protection? Just to make sure that your baby's arms, legs and head are fully protected from the cold and wet... Then trust us when we say that a baby carrier cover is worth the
One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy (alongside tiredness) is nausea or ‘morning sickness’. Most people experience some kind of sickness during pregnancy. Around 70 to 80 per cent experience nausea in early pregnancy, in the morning or throughout the day. Around half of those affected also experience vomiting (emesis) in addition to nausea. Some are completely spared this discomfort and others suffer from sickness beyond their first trimester. It’s most common during the first 12 – 20 weeks of pregnancy. After that, for most people, that queasy feeling usually subsides. But a small number develop a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and suffer from prolonged and severe nausea and vomiting far beyond the usual ‘morning sickness’.
In today's blog article, with the help of our expert and midwife Katrin Ritter, we want to take a closer look at this often-debilitating pregnancy nausea. But perhaps most importantly we’ll be sharing some ideas for what might help you if you’re
Congratulations! You've almost made it through the first year with your little miracle. With all the ups and downs. We know how quick it goes! Perhaps they are already taking their first steps. Or maybe they need a few more months? It’sall completely normal. Most children take their first free steps between the ages of 13 and 14 months, some walk much earlier and others only at 18 or 20 months. Everyone has their own pace of development. Today, let's take another look at baby milestones, focusing on 12-month baby milestones together with our midwife and expert Katrin Ritter. This concludes our blog series Baby’s developmental milestones with Ergobaby: baby’s first year. What can you already see? What can you look forward to in the near future? And how can you best support your little one so close to their first birthday?
12-month baby milestones: ‘The first step’
Your baby doesn't have to master free standing before they can start walking on their own. Some babies simply rush off because